Announcing a New Blog: Gender Identity Watch

by Cathy Brennan

Gender Identity Watch is a new blog devoted to tracking legislation and case law that attempts to codify “gender identity” into law and to override protections based on sex. Gender Identity Watch monitors organizations that push gender identity and thus engage in the erasure of female reality, including:

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: “Transgender people and issues are core to our work at the Task Force.”

Human Rights Campaign: “HRC works to educate the public on issues that transgender people face, from widespread discrimination and hate violence, to the complex process of getting appropriate identity documents, to finding culturally competent healthcare providers, and family and parenting issues, and to advocate for their full inclusion and equality.”

National Center for Lesbian Rights: “NCLR is proud to have been the first LGBT legal organization to launch a Transgender Law Project, which later became an organization in its own right, the Transgender Law Center. Today, we are a national leader in shaping transgender law, and our Legal Director, Shannon Minter, is recognized as a leading architect and visionary of the transgender rights movement.”

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays: “For decades, PFLAG has been proud to be a resource for transgender and gender non-conforming people, their families and friends.”

Gender Identity Watch opposes gender identity as a regressive, woman-hating ideology and those organizations that push this regressive, woman-hating ideology.

Follow Gender Identity Watch here.

4 Comments to “Announcing a New Blog: Gender Identity Watch”

  1. What an excellent initiative! Thank you to whoever is doing this.

  2. How sickening to see these groups so ready without apparent question lining up to further the cause of trans hegemony.

  3. It is sickening to see an organization that goes by the name of “Human Rights Campaign” to so utterly ignore the human rights of women in order to defend some abstract concept of femininity that certain men now wish to emulate.

  4. They might as well take the L out of all of those alphabet soup organizations. I’m particularly chagrined the the National Center for Lesbian Rights now supports all of the other letters except for Ls unless it’s a really huge case that also benefits the other letters. They need to change the name of that org. since they are now an LBGT org and not a Lesbian-focused org.